Welcome to the Speedwell Virtual Colony
The Speedwell is a virtual Colony that meets regularly on the third Thursday of each month. You must complete an application to join as a Regular Member (a current member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of North Carolina) or an Associate Member (a current member of any other Member Society within the General Society of Mayflower Descendants.) Applications are available at the links below. If a Regular member, you may also be a member of a location-based Colony which meets in person at different times throughout the year.
Joining the Speedwell Colony
The Board of Assistants of the SMDNC, at a special meeting on Monday, 16 August 2021, unanimously approved the formation of a new, non-territorial (virtual) colony to be known as the “Speedwell Colony.” All applications received before the first broadcast on 10 September were classified as “charter members.” Becket Soule was appointed acting Colony Governor until elections. An appropriate date for the charter would be 2 August 2021, four hundred and one years after the departure of the original Speedwell from Delfshaven in The Netherlands with the Leiden Pilgrims. The Speedwell’s original (1577) name was Swiftsure, which sounds appropriate for a virtual enterprise.
Regular meetings are on the Third Thursday of the month; there will also be projects (educational, fundraising, research, giving Silver Books, etc.), trips (both in person and virtual, with enough lead time), lectures, presentations, and workshops. This will appeal not only to our numerous At Large members, as well as members from smaller or inactive colonies; and it may bring in more members who live elsewhere but simply can’t participate in SMD functions where they live, as well as those who would prefer this sort of connection. It will have its own e-newsletter, the “Leaky Speedwell,” and a private Facebook group. There will also be discussions of books (like ones reviewed in the Mayflower Quarterly, since the book review editor of the Quarterly is also the acting Colony Governor) or the Mayflower Day-by-Day blog (posted on the SMDNC Facebook page).
Colony Governor: Vacant